The Haryana government on Monday further extended the suspension of mobile internet services till 5 pm on February 2 in seven districts of the state “to prevent any disturbance of peace and public order”.
A petition calling for shutdown of internet services by the Union government and Haryana as illegal and seeking immediate restoration of these services has been filed at the Punjab and Haryana High Court.
The petitioner, Sandeep Singh and others, through counsel Rajvinder Singh Bains and Navkiran Singh, has contended that shutdown of the internet services, and notification dated January 29, 2021, passed by Haryana is unconstitutional for being in violation of Article 19 and 21 of the Constitution. It adds that as per judgment passed by the Supreme Court in the matter of Anuradha Bhasin and Union of India and others, the freedom of speech and expression and the freedom to practice any profession or carry on any trade, business or occupation over the medium of internet enjoys constitutional under Article 19 (1) (a) and Article 19 (1) (g).
It has been mentioned in the petition that act of Union government and Haryana is against the fundamental rights, and the internet services now stands as part of fundamental rights because to exercise almost every freedom from expression to practice any profession. The petitioner, who is an Advocate in Haryana, has submitted that his life and practice has been affected by the sudden suspension of internet services.
The Haryana government on Monday further extended the suspension of mobile internet services till 5 pm on February 2 in seven districts of the state “to prevent any disturbance of peace and public order” amid protests by farmers against three new farm laws that witnessed violence earlier this week.
According to an official statement, the Haryana government has extended the suspension of mobile internet services, SMS services (only Bulk SMS) and all dongle services etc. provided on mobile networks except voice calls in seven districts — Kaithal, Panipat, Jind, Rohtak, Charkhi Dadri, Sonipat and Jhajjar till 5 pm on February 2.